All Eyes on Rail…

Freight Train

Image: Adobe / Serjiob74

A potential strike at East Coast ports was averted as the longshoremen's union extended its contract until February 2025. Despite stalled negotiations since late 2022 over wages, automation, and work allocation, the contract, originally expiring in September 2024, now prevents a strike warned for October 2024.

While this news is promising, our eyes are still on the Canadian rail. Workers at Canada’s major railroads, Canadian National Railway Co. and Canadian Pacific Kansas City Ltd. (CPKC), are without contracts but not on strike. The Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) is preparing to hear submissions on the dispute following a request from Labour Minister Seamus O’Regan, who asked the CIRB to assess whether a rail service disruption could negatively impact public safety. Workers had voted to authorize a strike starting May 22, but now must wait for the CIRB's decision. Negotiations have stalled, with CPKC reporting no progress and the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC) criticizing CN Rail’s latest offer as inadequate. The CIRB has given both parties until May 31 to submit their positions, and a case management conference was scheduled for May 27 in Ottawa to discuss next steps, including potential witnesses for future hearings.

Read more on theStarPhoenix.


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